Evolving a cross-border ecosystem with renewable hydrogen
Evolving a cross-border ecosystem with renewable hydrogen

What is the NAHV Stakeholders’ Advisory Forum-NAHV SAF?

The SAF acts as a consultation body for the NAHV project. The SAF is built to collect and represent the voice of the stakeholders of NAHV according to the quadruple helix model: researchers, policy authorities, entrepreneurs and civil society. The SAF aims to include diverse representatives from green hydrogen users & ecosystem and other stakeholders’ communities alongside with experts in the field of technologies for decarbonisation along the green hydrogen value chain who will provide advice for the development of the project (e.g. end-users, policy makers, data providers, citizens, businesses and their associations and clusters, research and education organizations, etc.).

NAHV SAF aims to:

  1. Provide advisory opinions regarding the overall direction of the project in line with emerging trends and scenarios from science and society, taking into account stakeholders’ priorities and expectations
  2. Support the dissemination of the project’s results in their respective institutions, organisations and countries/territories
  3. Provide the voice of the end users and of citizens at glance, as a source of ideas and needs to develop the NAHV’s ecosystem also via surveys and interviews
  4. Provide data, information, and feedback from the field to the project partners and policy makers.

SAF acts as a consultation “laboratory”, to merge different perspectives and foster a common interest, ensuring vertical and horizontal cooperation and participation during the project lifetime and beyond and facilitating alignment of business cases with stakeholders’ and regional interests.

The final aim is to move beyond traditional sectoral thinking in order to achieve the overall and balanced development of a hydrogen ecosystem in the NAHV territories and beyond, also tackling societal challenges related to the deployment of hydrogen technologies and solutions.

SAF members might be targeted for additional initiatives such as Business Forum, conferences etc.

Why joining the SAF?

If your organisation wishes to contribute to the rollout and upscale of NAHV’s value propositions by acting as “project ambassadors” …

If you wish to green the planet by creating a community to support the effort to decarbonize our economy thanks to green hydrogen …

If you wish to contribute with your organisation’s vision and feedback to project activities…

If you wish to provide your organisation’s insight on needs and problems that the stakeholders’ group you represent is currently facing…


How SAF is organised

Meetings are organised approximately twice per year, mostly making use of digital platforms to facilitate organisation and participation and avoid travel costs.

A flexible working and organisational structure for the NAHV SAF is planned. The involvement of a targeted group of experts/stakeholders might be foreseen whether necessary according to the particular needs of the different project tasks.

How to join the SAF

Potential SAF members are assessed against specific criteria (e.g. relevant expertise in the field of decarbonisation and green H2 technologies, relevant activity and experience in the development of a hydrogen ecosystem, access to networks, data and information related to H2) by the NAHV SAF Committee, in order to ensure complementarity and coverage of all fields of expertise required, while keeping in mind aspects such as geographical balance. A checklist for the above-mentioned criteria will be produced in the first half of 2024 and subsequently published in the SAF Application Package.

The process of enrolment in the SAF is described below:

  1. Submission of the letter of interest (LOI) by the SAF’s candidates.
  2. LOI application evaluation by the NAHV SAF Committee.
  3. Communication to the applicant of the NAHV SAF Committee decision indicatively within one month from the candidacy.
  4. In case of acceptance request of a brief profile of the accepted organization and of authorization to publish it in the NAHV’s website.

 SAF Application Package

If you are interested to join the NAHV SAF click here to express your interest

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