Rome, 22 nd January
At Villa Madama in Rome, the declaration on the Southern Hydrogen Corridor (South H2) between Italy, Austria, Germany, Tunisia and Algeria was signed. The project financed by the Italian Government aims to build the Southern Hydrogen Corridor (SoutH2Corridor), which will run along 3,300 kilometres of networks from North Africa through Italy, Austria and Germany and will be called upon to supply European markets.
The infrastructure, which is to be operational by 1 January 2030, is a crucial building block for national energy transition goals and the diversification of EU supply lines.
Italy will be crossed by the corridor connecting Mazara del Vallo to Tarvisio, enabling the supply of low-cost renewable hydrogen. Hydrogen import capacity from North Africa is expected to reach 4 million tonnes per year. The project involves the conversion of existing infrastructure to transport hydrogen and the construction of new infrastructure where necessary.
Italian north-eastern autonomous region Friuli Venezia Giulia (FVG) is already committed to the development of cutting-edge technologies, an asset that should also be exploited in the context of the North-Adriatic Hydrogen Valley maxi cross-border project that involves Slovenia, Croatia and FVG and brings together companies, universities, and scientific institutes and public bodies, could play an important role as a hub.
See here for more information:
Dal Nordafrica fino a Tarvisio, ecco il corridoio per l’idrogeno verde | il Nord Est
South H2, il gasdotto Africa-Europa per l’idrogeno verde da Mazara del Vallo a Tarvisio: ecco la mappa | ilsole24ore