Evolving a cross-border ecosystem with renewable hydrogen

XVII. Energy storage for distributed power generation based on innovative fuel cell technology of ECUBES, Nova Gorica, Slovenia

Testbed Leader: ECUBES Ulica Gradnikove brigade 49, 5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia Director (or representative): Aleksander Gerbec   Contact: Mojca Golež ( Project Description This project involves a highly deployable, containerized energy storage and power generation solution with 1MWh capacity, using an innovative hydrogen carrier. It will be implemented in remote areas to support hydrogen-powered vehicles […]

XVI. Hydrogen value chain in the maritime transportation, Island of Cres, Croatia

Testbed Leader: Municipality of Cres Director (or representative): Ugo Toić, Project Description The Town of Cres has formally joined the NAHV Consortium in mid-September, as replacement of ACI Club Marina and will undertake the planned activities and expected results envisaged in the project designed for the outgoing partner. Up until now, the Town of […]

XV. Hydrogen for the public bus transport in Gorizia, Trieste Trasporti, Trieste, Italy

Testbed Leader: TPL FVG Via dei Lavoratori, 2, 34144 Trieste TS, Italy Partner: APT Gorizia Director (or representative):  Giuseppe Zottis ( Project Description The project concerns the ecological transition of part of the TPLFVG fleet from diesel to hydrogen power. Trieste Trasporti, will use the hydrogen produced by the new AcegasApsAmga plant and, therefore, will […]

XIV. Hydrogen propulsion 4 vessels & maritime infrastructure in the Adriatic, MCoE, Rijeka, Croatia

Testbed Leader: Maritime Center of Excellence Rijeka, Croatia Director (or representative): Damir Opsenica Project Description The innovative technology of green vessel powertrain will be demonstrated by the delivery of hydrogen-powered pilot vessel. Conceptual design and optimization will be performed in three main aspects: 1) renewable hydrogen propulsion, focussing on performance, safety, certification and supporting value […]

XII. Integrated hydroelectric and HFC power station for retail distribution of hydrogen, CTS, Brugnera, Italy

Testbed Leader: Clean Technology Systems H2 Brugnera (PN) – Viale Lino Zanussi 1 – 33070, Italy Director (or representative): Federica Zagarella ( Project Description The testbed focuses on validating and implementing a small, potentially distributed hydrogen refuelling station with onsite renewable H2 production. The station will produce up to 2 tons of renewable H2 annually, […]

XI. Hydrogen ecosystem solutions and production for emerging markets, HSE, Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Testbed Leader: HSE Koprska ulica 92, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Director (or representative): Jerneja Sedlar ( Project Description HSE is currently developing a renewable hydrogen production and distribution facility. The testbed aims to convert surplus energy from intermittent, renewable sources into renewable hydrogen. The hydrogen will be utilised as a renewable energy source in the cement […]

X. H2 by gasification of organic material for small microgrid in the industry area, Indeloop, Zagreb, Croatia

Testbed Leader: Indeloop Zagreb, Croatia Director (or representative):  Danica Maljković Project Description The project involves the construction of a 2 MW photovoltaic (PV) plant coupled with a 430-kW proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyser. This system will facilitate the daily production of approximately 200 kg of hydrogen. The plant uses thermal conversion (gasification) to turn organic […]

IX. Assessment of the suitability of the natural gas distribution network for the transport of hydrogen mixtures, FVG, Italy

Project Description Testbed Leader: ACEGAS Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy Director (or representative):  Maria Mazzurco To obtain the “Technological Qualification” (TQ) of the existing distribution network, a testbed application will be conducted in order to evaluate the use of ACEGAS own methane gas distribution network assets for the injection of increasing% of hydrogen, beyond the current regulatory […]

VIII. H2 production through industrial symbiosis and asset enhancement, ACEGAS, Trieste, FVG, Italy

Testbed Leader: ACEGAS Via del Teatro, 5, Trieste, Italy Director (or representative):  Giacomini Massimo ( Project Description An electrolyser prototype will produce renewable hydrogen. The hydrogen production plant will be electrically powered by renewable energy purchased from RES plants and produced by a photovoltaic field. In a perspective of industrial symbiosis, the hydrogen production plant […]